Easy-Scout XP Analyzer Tutorials

Tutorials require Macromedia Flash, which is a web browser "add-in".  If you system does not have it, you can download it from the Macromedia Web Site.

Except for its new capability to specify any printer,  the Analyzer Report Manager is identical to that in Easy-Scout XP. You can start Report Manager in Analyzer by clicking the Reports icon.

Print Reports using the Report Manager

Demonstrates the Report Printing process in Easy-Scout XP.  This process is IDENTICAL in Easy-Scout XP Analyzer, however the method of starting the Easy-Scout Report Manager differs. In Analyzer, you need only click on the Reports Icon (upper left on main menu) to Open the Report Manager.

Manage Reporting with Report Groups

Demonstrates the Report Group feature for customizing the Reporting Experience in Easy-Scout XP and the Easy-Scout XP Analyzer. 

Using Analyzer for Searching, Sorting and Printing Filtered Reports

This is an Analyzer-specific Introductory Tutorial that demonstrates the Analysis and Advanced Reporting capabilities in the new Analyzer 2006.  Covers Searching/Sorting, Filtering and printing "filtered" reports. 

Customizing the Field Zones in Easy-Scout XP and Analyzer - Demonstrates the Field Zone utility that makes it possible to adjust the Field Position reports to match your own Field Position "ranges". The process is identical in both Easy-Scout and Analyzer.

Using Easy-Import in Analyzer (Analyzer Pro Only)

Illustrates the process of importing Microsoft Excel or Text files in .csv format in Easy-Import and Analyzer Pro.  For Analyzer Pro users, the steps in the wizard perform the same functions as illustrated in the video but the Source and Destination locations will be different.

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