A Default value will be "suggested" for each field based on their
value on the previous play and what was entered for the GAIN/LOSS on that play.
For example, if a play starts on the -20-yard line on 1st and 10 and ends with a
gain of 5 yards on Play #1, it will be shown in the next play by setting the
default values to show 2nd down with 5 yards to go at the -25 yard line for Play
# 2.
IMPORTANT: Intelligent Default Values can be overwritten by typing a value
into the field.
An Intelligent Default value "predicts" the entry to be made based on
values given in the previous play. EASY-SCOUT uses two types of
"Intelligent Default Values".
The first type takes a "snapshot" of what was entered into the
previous play and simply carries it over to the next play.
The following fields use this type of Intelligent Default Value
The above Intelligent Default Values are used in fields that seldom change.
The second type of intelligent default value calculates a new value based on what was entered into the previous play.
The fields that calculate Intelligent Default Values are:
"Radio buttons" are used for entries that have a
standard list of options that WE predetermine - minimizing data entry errors and
speeding up the data entry process. Radio buttons are simple to use. Simply
click on one of the buttons to select it and deselect the other options.
Radio Buttons are used for the following
Pick Lists offer fixed, predetermined choices from a list of
CUSTOMIZABLE options. To choose an option from any Pick List, move the cursor to
the correct choice or type the first letter of the desired choice then either
press ENTER or click the left mouse button. Pick lists can be maintained by
selecting Modify Lists on the Utilities Menu.
Pick Lists are used for the following entries:
Intelligent Pick Lists enable the user to "build" a
custom list of choices. As new names are entered they are added to the list
"on the fly" for later use. Intelligent Pick Lists can be identified
by the Red dropdown Arrow instead of the default gray arrow. Items can be
selected from a pick list by clicking the arrow and highlighting an option from
the list or by typing the first letter of the selection. If you want to add
something to the list, simply type. The typed entry will appear as a selection
on the next play. The list of options in the Intelligent Pick List is built from
all games that are entered in the system. To remove an item from the Intelligent
Pick List, the game or games in which the item is used will also need to be
Intelligent Pick Lists are used for the following entries:
Spinners allow a number to be entered or values to be changed by
clicking the Up and Down arrows.
Spinners are used for the following items:
Hole Hit Image Map
Pass Zone Image Map
Note the Hole and Pass Zone image maps are
from a Defensive perspective.
Text fields allow text to be entered in "free form". Typically these
fields are used for entering comments.
The combination of Radio Buttons, Spinners, Pick Lists and "Intelligent Default Values" are meant to significantly reduce the amount of time required to enter game data.
IMPORTANT: It is possible to "Skip" a lot of data entry items without impacting the functionality of the program. For example, if the Run Details such as the Hole, Ball carrier position or Ball carrier number are not recorded or Pass Details such as the Receiver position, Receiver number, Pass Pattern and Pass Zone attacked, are not recorded, functionality of the application is not impacted. In fact, since many coaches choose not to record this additional detail, Easy-Scout has placed these items on additional tabs to make them easier to get to and also easy to ignore. Finally, it is possible to control which data entry elements are displayed on the Play Entry Screen using the Customize option on the Utilities menu.