Introducing Easy-Scout Professional

CompuSports' Easy-Scout family of computer software has been helping coaches build game plans since 1984 !  That's no misprint - Easy-Scout was one of the very first football scouting programs for personal computers like the original Apple IIe and IBM PC, and has continued to evolve and adapt ever since. 

Easy-Scout Professional, first released in 2006, combines scouting and video editing capabilities in a single program. In Easy-Scout Professional, each play consists of "fields", or data elements that match the pieces of information collected from game video and live "scouts", PLUS a link to a "digital", or computer form of that video. By establishing this link between data and video, the potential benefits for coaches grow exponentially.

What Easy-Scout features does Easy-Scout Professional include?

Easy-Scout Professional incorporates the primary data management and reporting features of the Easy-Scout XP Plus scouting program.

These include:

  • Simple, straightforward Play Entry and Editing screens . 
  • A special "Add Mode" that utilizes "intelligent defaults" to save time when entering plays in a group (such as a full game) - either from data recorded previously or while watching and indexing video on the computer.   Plays are automatically numbered and default values are determined based on the result of the previous play
  • Extensive control over the terminology used to name Plays, Formations, Defenses, Coverages, Pass Patterns etc.
  • The ability to skip and/or hide data entry items that will not be used, making data entry even faster and more efficient
  • A Comprehensive Tendency Reporting and Analysis module    

What are the video features that Easy-Scout Professional adds to Easy-Scout ?

To  the "data-centric" features of Easy-Scout products, listed above, Easy-Scout Professional adds...

  1. The ability to watch digital video while entering scouting data in the same program.
  2. The ability to search for, or "filter" plays from one or more games based on any field or combination of fields in the Easy-Scout XP Pro system
  3. The ability to  either "play back" or "export" (as a cutup) the video for those plays

Video Editor Screen - Version 3.5