In Easy-Scout XP Plus, it is possible to View Data from Multiple Games at one time. This screen shot shows the new Multi-Game Select Screen. 


To select games to Analyze, either click and drag, double click, or click the game name and then the right arrow. Once games are selected, click View Games to go to the new Multi-Game View screen.


Easy-Scout XP Plus has an enhanced version of the View Games function that is used to search for plays when adding and editing scouting data.  As you can see from viewing the screen below, the "ANALYSIS GRID"  is capable of displaying plays from more than one game in the “Grid”. 

There are a few important things to point out about the Analysis grid (shown above):

  1. There is no limit to the number if games that can be analyzed at one time

  2. A “Search” or “Filter” can be applied to the games selected for Analysis  In the example above, we have limited the plays displayed in the grid to those where the Formation = Wing Slot.

  3. A Sort can also being applied to these games. In this case, we have left the Default, Play # sort. To change the Sort, simply “double-click” on a column heading Distance heading, and to change the Sort Order from Ascending to Descending order, simply “double-click” on the column  heading a second time.

  4. Easy-Scout XP Plus will remember the way you arrange the column headings and apply that to future searches.

  5. The REPORTS and EXPORT XLS buttons below the grid (which will be discussed in the next section) perform an action on the data that is active in the search grid at the time they are clicked.

Imagine the potential that this powerful feature has - with just a few clicks of the mouse, and quite possibly without even entering data, it is possible to perform extensive "on-screen" analysis on single or multiple games.  Then, using one of the 100+ built in reports as templates, this data that results from this analysis can be formatted and presented in a “paper-report” format or even exported to Microsoft Excel.  The result is a tool for the analytical coach that makes it possible to quickly isolate and review any play in any game as well as perform further analysis. 


Taken alone, the Multi-Game analysis and Easy-Scout XP Plus Export are powerful new capabilities. These capabilities are significantly enhanced when combined with the printing process.