Backing and Restore Utility in Easy-Scout XP Plus

Easy-Scout can create a BACKUP copy of its data files that can be RESTORED in the event a system failure occurs or if it is necessary to reinstall the software.  

NEVER uninstall the software without first creating a Backup copy of the Data in a separate folder, and ideally on a different "disk" or volume. It is also a good practice to Export Games to individual Game files.

Use the Utilities Menu to access the Backup/Restore screen shown below.


Use the upper section of this screen to create a Backup. Specify the Backup Name and change the Destination Folder - the location to store the backup files. A valid destination can be selected by typing by using the ellipses (…) button, or typing manually. Click the Execute button to complete the Backup process. 


Use the lower section of this screen to restore a Backup and return Easy-Scout to a previous state. Locate and select a previously created backup folder and click the Execute button to complete the Restore process.