Using the Integrated Export Video Utility (Module)

It is important to understand the difference between EXPORTING GAMES and EXPORTING VIDEO. 

When you EXPORT GAMES, you make a copy of the "data" for that game, which consists of descriptions of each play and the "pointers" (the Start and End markers) for the video associated with that game.

When you EXPORT VIDEO, you make a cutup file in either AVI or WMV (Windows Media) format, which consists of the VIDEO for each of the plays in the Export Video "grid" in the order that you specified.

The Utility can be launched in two ways.. from the Easy-Scout Pro toolbar, and from the Easy-Scout Pro Video Analyzer.  When launched from the Video Analyzer, the (Select) Movie Project file button is inactive, because the plays in the Video Analysis Grid are pre-loaded into the utility. When launched from the Main toolbar, the Select Movie Project File button is active. Click it to select a Movie Project file that was saved previously, either from the Video Analyzer, or from the Export Video Utility itself (see below).

Movie Project Validation - Click the Validate button to perform a series of tests on the collection of plays in the Movie Project. The tests are designed to identify invalid plays that will cause the Export Video function to fail. If a project fails, the Status bar will indicate that the project is not valid.

The VIEW LOG button becomes active after the project has been validated. Clicking the View Log button causes an Excel compatible text (.csv file) to be created and the invalid plays are highlighted in Red.

Movie Project Modification - View the plays in the list using the scroll button, identifying any plays marked in red.  These plays must be removed from the Project before it will be able to export the video file.  To remove the clips from the Grid, use the Delete button.

Movie Project Save - Click the Save button to store the Movie Project for future use with the Export Video utility without the need to perform a search.  The Movie Project will include only those plays that are in the "video clips" list - any clips that were deleted will not be saved. This ensures that the Movie Project will pass the validation test the next time (assuming the video files are not moved or deleted).


Exporting a Video

Types of Video Files

Easy-Scout Pro can export two types of video files.  It is important to choose the correct one for the specific use of the video file.  The Default is AVI file, but we recommend that this is changed to WMV except when producing short cutups and video for highlight DVDs.

AVI files are created at a size of 720x480 (same as a DVD) and are virtually identical in quality to the original file, as long as the original is of the same size (at least 720x480).  AVI files are very large as a result and should only be used for short cutups of just a few plays. They are most suitable for highlight videos where quality is more important than file size. There is NO compression applied to this AVI file which is the reason for the high quality but also the large size.

WMV files are created at a size of 640x480 and may be of a lower quality than the original - depending on the type of video that is used.  WMV files are a fraction of the size of uncompressed AVI files, and can be used for most purposes, including most cutups.  There is a high degree of compression applied to WMV files which is the reason for the reduced quality and significantly smaller file size.

To produce a video file that includes the plays in the Movie Project:

  1. Select the desired Export Method
  2. (Windows Media is best in most cases)
  3. Designate the folder location of file that will be exported
  4. Provide an Export File name
  5. Click Go to produce the Video File 

"Counters" at the bottom of the screen report the progress of the Export Video operation. 

Exit or Restart the Video Export Utility

When the process is complete, click Restart to load a new Movie Project or Click Exit to return to the Video Analyzer or the Main Easy-Scout Pro Screen.