Application Settings in Easy-Scout XP Plus v Easy-Scout enables the user to customize a number of features. Use the Application Settings toolbar
button There are 3 color settings available on the upper portion of this screen. These settings can be modified by pressing the "Get Color" button. This will open the color picker, where a different color can be selected for the following:
* In the event a color scheme is selected that makes it difficult to read some or all of the text or images in Easy-Scout XP Plus, click the Reset All button to restore the default settings. Toolbar Easy-Scout includes two toolbars - a Standard toolbar with a collection of icons, and a Compact Toolbar that is designed for small screens. Click the Drop Down list to select a different Toolbar or to disable the toolbar. The default is the Standard toolbar. Launch Application Maximized If this option is checked Easy-Scout will always launch maximized. If this button is not checked the application will open to its previous size. Show Splash Screen A splash screen is displayed when Easy-Scout is first launched. Un-checking this, will suppress the splash screen. Auto-Open Pass/Run Details - Check this
option to make the Run Details or Pass Details
screen open automatically after the Play Type is selected. FIELD NAMES (Data items) The
"grid" at the bottom of the Application Settings screen is
used to select which fields, or data items, are visible on the Play
Information screen.
If one or more fields for entering data will not be used, they can be
removed from the play
entry screen by un-checking
the corresponding check box in the grid. This makes navigating during data
entry much easier, since it is not necessary to navigate through items that
will not be used.
There are two columns in the Field Names grid; one
that lists that Field
Name and one that contains a Check Box to indicate whether that field is Visible
or Invisible on the Play Entry screens. Remove or Replace check marks to indicate
the fields that will be used and should be displayed. Use the Check All
or Un-check All buttons to change the entire list of Field Names. Click
the Save and Close button to save changes. |