Easy-Cut projects consist of one or more "clips", or plays.   One of Easy-Cut's unique features is its ability to combine clips from more than one Video File. Easy-Cut can even combine video clips from different video files and formats into a new movie file in Windows Media or DIVX avi format.  The clip menu is shown below. All clip functions are available on the Toolbar and on the Clip Menu.


Easy-Cut's Project Grid resembles a spreadsheet.  The first four columns from left to right are "reserved" and can only be changed by the Easy-Cut program.  The columns starting with Description can be used for recording information about a clip. There is one Description column and either 2 (Version 2.x) or 6 (Versions3 and later) Category labels.  Columns can be rearranged by left clicking, holding and dragging.

In the example above, we tagged the Description with 3 Step and Belly Lead to enable us to search and filter.  Easy-Cut gives the user the ability to add, rearrange and customize column labels based on that user's filtering requirements, and Version 3 has the ability to customize the labels for the built-in Category fields. In Version 2.x Category labels are fixed as Category 1 and Category 2.

In the example below, we have marked 3 different video clips.


Easy-Cut has a number of search, sort and filter tools that makes it easy to isolate clips for viewing or creating movie files. 

Searching locates one or more clips that include a "search term" or "keyword". Searching is useful for projects that contain a large number of clips or custom columns.  Type the keyword into the toolbar and click the Binoculars to perform the search. The first clip in the project (from top to bottom) that contains the search "term" is highlighted. Clicking Search again without changing the term moves the "selector" to the next clip that includes that search term.

Filtering "reduces" the clips that are displayed in the project grid to those that match search criteria that you specify.  To specify filter "criteria", click the small arrow to the right of any column heading to open a drop down list of "filter options".  The list is generated from the contents of that column and contains additional options including "custom" (filter).

In the illustration below, we opened the "drop down list" for the Hash column. We could select "L" from the list to display only the plays from the Left Hash (temporarily hiding all clips where the Hash was not L). It is possible to "combine" filter choices from more than one column, and build "custom" filters - techniques that are most useful in larger projects.

Filtering is explained more in the Creating Video Cutups Video Tutorial.

Sorting orders the clips based on the contents of a column.  To rearrange the order of clips in a project, clips can be "sorted" in the order of the data elements in any column. Initially, clips are sorted by the Clip ID - a default column that contains a number that Easy-Cut assigns to each clip. Clicking in the middle of any column "temporarily" changes the "sort order" for the project based on the contents of that column. The CLIP ID is NOT CHANGED when a project is sorted in this fashion.

Moving a clip changes its location in the project by changing its Clip ID.  It is possible to change the Clip ID of one or more clips by using the Move Clip function (UP and DOWN).  Highlighting any "row" in the grid and clicking UP will renumber the Clip ID of the selected clip and "switches it" with the one above it.   To apply the first "Clip ID" change, click Sort on the Clip ID column.  The clips will be reordered and the project sequencing will be "unlocked" until the project is closed.

When the project sequencing is unlocked, it is possible to move any clip up or down one or more rows by simply highlighting a row in the project and clicking on the MOVE UP or MOVE DOWN button.  

To maintain the sequence of clips in a project use the Save or Save As functions on the File Menu. If necessary, give the project a name or changed its name and/or location. Since an Easy-Cut project is a list of "clips" in a particular sequence, saving a project saves only the "list of clips" in the project and their order - it has no effect on the video file itself. It is a good idea to Save your project frequently to avoid losing your work.

Grouping, which is a combination of filtering and sorting that can be accomplished by clicking and dragging a column heading to the area directly above the project grid.