The Edit Video screen breaks the Main tab down into Offense and Defense
FORMATION NAME - Type the formation name
or select it from of the Intelligent Pick List, by clicking on the red arrow.
There is a maximum value of 20 characters in this filed. It is good practice to
check the list box before typing in a new Formation to avoid errors and
duplicates. As is the case with any pick list, names can be found quickly by
typing the first letter and then using the arrow keys.
Defining the strength designation field is optional. However it is necessary to
indicate the strength of the formation in the next date element entry. For
example, if the formation is a Pro I Right, it could be entered as Pro I for the
formation and R for the strength. When analyzing formations, the result would be
based on tendencies of all Pro I formations. If Pro I R or Pro I L is entered
the result bares separate tendencies for Pro I R and Pro I L, specifically.
It is critical that formations are named EXACTLY the same each time. For
example, Pro I R (with a space between the I and the R) will be treated
differently than Pro IR (with no space). Mistakes can be identified by viewing
the Play-by-Play report or by using the Find function to quickly correct it
before printing reports.
IMPORTANT: The Formation and Play name entries are "case sensitive". This means that PRO I and Pro I are treated as different entries.
NOTE: Punts, field goals, or extra points, should be entered as "B".
OFFENSIVE PERSONNEL - Select an Offensive Personnel Group from the Pick List. Additional Offensive Personnel Groups can be added by using the Maintain Lists option on the utility menu.
SHIFT - Select a Shift type from the
Pick List. Additional shift types can be added by using the Maintain Lists
option or by using the utility menu.
MOTION TYPE - Select a Motion type from the Pick List. Additional motion
types can be added to the list by using the Maintain Lists option on the utility
MAN IN MOTION - Choose the motion man from the motion from pick list.
Choices include the entire list of Receivers and Ball carriers. Other choices
can be added by using the Maintain Lists option on the utility menu.
MOTION DIRECTION - Choose Left or Right by clicking on the appropriate
radio button.
NOTE: For reverse motion, we recommend using the last direction in which the player was moving.
PLAY NAME - Type in the name of the play
or select the play from the Intelligent Pick List. The play name can be any
combination of numbers and letters up to 20 characters and should always be
entered exactly the same way (ex: Load Option and LoadOpt will be considered
different plays).
NOTE: The same considerations apply as described under the Formation Name entry, however the effect on the reports is less significant, since the Play Name is not used in the same manner in which we use the Formation name (as a criteria) when grouping and calculating tendencies.
PLAY TYPE - Click the radio button for Run, Pass or Other. We recommend
that information is not recorded about incomplete or Broken Plays, Quick Sacks,
Penalties or kicking game plays. However to include these play types in the
tendency reports, click Other.
DEFENSIVE FRONT - Type the name of the Defensive Front into the
Intelligent Pick List, or select it from the list clicking on the red arrow.
There is a maximum value of 20 characters in this field.
It is crucial to enter exactly the same name of a defensive front to avoid
recording repeating names. Viewing the Play-by-Play report or using the Find
function to make corrections before printing other reports can identify
IMPORTANT: The Defensive Front and Defensive Coverage name entries are "case sensitive". This means that 50 BASE and 50 Base are treated as different entries.
See also Modify Lists, Settings.