EASY-CUT Version 5

Online Help and User Instruction Manual



Easy-Cut is a Digital Video Editing utility. With Easy-Cut, you can:

  1. Watch a video and mark or "tag" video clips to add them to a video "project".

  2. Find, Filter and arrange the sequence of clips in a video project to save as a new project or create a "movie", or cutup file.

  3. Create a video in a number of video file sizes, types and qualities from a video project

  4. Use data to describe and categorize each video clip. 

Easy-Cut can be used for any sport and, for that matter, any application where the use of data to categorize and describe video clips is beneficial.


Easy-Cut Main Screen when running in Trial Mode - Version 5

This is the Easy-Cut startup screen that is displayed when Easy-Cut is opened.  The upper area of the screen contains both icons and menus for accessing Easy-Cut functions, the middle area displays a Spreadsheet" style project grid, and the lower area a filmstrip view of the current, or active video "clip" if one is selected in the project grid (the filmstrip works with WMV and most AVI files).

Easy-Cut's icons and menus make it possible to create, modify and save Easy-Cut projects and generate cutup video files (export movies) from Easy-Cut projects. In addition, the Play Clip and Project Preview functions make it possible to view individual plays or an entire project in a number of different screen sizes, including a "full-screen" preview mode.

Easy-Cut always runs in Trial Mode until it is activated, or registered (see Registering, Receiving and Entering a Registration Key ). All functions are available in Trial Mode, however the number of clips in the project is limited to 10.  


Detailed help and instructions for using the main features of Easy-Cut is available by clicking on the links below.