Our Football Coaching Forms library includes a few variations of our Easy-Scout Game Breakdown forms, including two that we created in 1984 and included with our Easy-Scout software. Designed initially to help football coaches record Offensive plays sequentially before entering each play's data into a computer, the forms can be used by Offensive and Defensive coaches in a number of situations.
What we refer to as our Game Scripting forms can be useful to "scout" either an opponent Offense or "self-scout" one's own Offense. Coaches have also found that this particular form helps to quickly reveal tendencies as a game progresses.
Click here to download our Free Football Scouting form (PDF Version)
There are a couple of things about the design of the form that are worth mentioning:
- The Hash, Down, Distance, Formation Strength, Play Direction and Play Type columns are designed to make it is easy to circle the appropriate item.
- The Distance to go for a first down has S, M and L (Short, Medium, Long) in the upper half of the cell so its easy to either circle the distance range, enter the actual Yards to go for a first down below the S, M, L or both.
-- The # column is for the Play Number.
- There is no column to record the Series for space considerations. Most users draw a line between each series.
- There is very little room to draw plays (we have other forms for that), but it is possible to use the comment section for a few illustrations per page
When this form has been used by coaches in "the box" during a game, it is often accompanied by a Formation Hit Chart.
Check out and download our other Football Coaching Forms
Contact Us if you have questions about these forms
How to Scout Football - by George Allen
Football Scouting Methods - by Steve Belichick