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Football Scouting and Game Analysis

“I have been an avid user of Easy-Scout since 1987…it provides our coaches and players with detailed, accurate tendency information on opponents and gives us an edge in preparations, heading into games. "


Lee Branthover Georgetown Prep HS Bethesda, MD

Football Scouting software is used to record information about Offensive and Defensive plays in a football game, and then produce tendency reports that make it possible to build Offensive and Defensive game plans. Football Scouting software can also be used to perform a self-scout and/or to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of one's own plays and schemes.

Our Easy-Scout products reduce the time and effort required to enter scouting data. They are easy-to-learn, easy-to-use and minimize data entry errors. Easy-Scout lets you use your own football terminology, and learns it "on the fly" - automatically building lists of Formations, Plays, Fronts, Coverages and more.

Easy-Scout is available with or without video editing and video analysis capabilities. Games created in Easy-Scout Plus can be transferred easily to Easy-Scout Professional - they collect the same type of game breakdown information and produce the same easy-to-read tendency reports.

Easy-Scout Plus

Easy-Scout Plus is a traditional football scouting software application. It helps a football coach collect, organize and analyze the plays in one or more football games - making it possible to determine tendencies of both Offenses and Defenses.


Easy-Scout Professional

Easy-Scout Professional combines football scouting with video editing and analysis. Watch football game video while recording football scouting data. Quickly locate and view plays from one or more football games. Make cutups and highlights.
